On February 9, 2023, in the Administration of the FEZ “Sughd” was held a press conference about the results of the activities of the FEZ “Sughd” in 2022, where the Head of the Administration Kamoliddinzoda Ilyosiddin Jamoliddin informed the representatives of the regional and republican mass media about the achievements and plans of the FEZ “Sughd”.

During the speech, it was noted that the Administration of the FEZ “Sughd” has implemented the necessary measures in order to performance the instructions and orders of the Founder of Peace and National Unity – the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, the decisions of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the tasks and orders of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, the implementation of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan ” About free economic zones”, Regulation of the free economic zone “Sughd”, and the work plan of the FEZ “Sughd” for 2022.
Head of Administration Kamoliddinzoda I. noted that in 2022, the volume production of industrial products, services and construction of FEZ “Sughd” acconted 412.5 mln. somoni, that this increased by 111.4 million somoni or 37% compared to the 2021. Also, in the reporting period, the volume of export products of the subjects accounted 135.3 million somoni, that it increased by 30.1 million. somoni or 28.6% compared to the 2021.
During the meeting, it was mentioned that in 2022, investments were mainly provided by 7 companies, including LLC “Ohankor”, LLC “Aziapolitex”, LLC “Donai Almas”, LLC “Pokzarf”, LLC “Khujand Plast”, LLC JV TT “Archa-mebel” and LLC JV TT “Tajprof”, that the manufactured products were mainly exported to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Germany, Iraq, Turkey and Russia.
It was also noted that in 2022 the amount of direct investment accounted 23.7 million somoni, which has increased by 30.9% compared to the last year (18.1 million somoni), and since the beginning of the activity of the FEZ “Sughd” it has equaled be 138.9 million somoni.
In 2022, the total number of jobs in the FEZ “Sughd” equaled by 799 people, which is 25 more jobs than in 2021 (774 people).
This year, in public budget due to the payment of relevant taxes (income tax and social tax) were entered 4.95 mln. somoni from subjects of the FEZ “Sughd”.

During this period, the amount of payment of customs duty and value added tax to the budget accounted 33.6 million somoni due to the subjects of the FEZ “Sughd”, which increased by 1.8 million somoni compared to 2021.
It was also noted during the meeting that were signed memorandums with the representatives of the FEZ “Jizzakh” and FEZ “Kukand” of Fergana region of the Republic of Uzbekistan and FEZ “Osminozhka” of the Russian Federation.

In conclusion of the press conference, the Head of the Administration noted that in the first quarter of 2023 in the FEZ “Sughd” is planned the opening of a production enterprise LLC “Asiapolitex”, and there more than 150-200 people will be provided with new jobs.
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