Free economic zones of Tajikistan celebrated their tenth anniversary
October 11, 2018, Sugdiyon culture palace of Khujand opened its doors to the participants of the International Economic Forum “Sughd-2018”, which was held in honor of the tenth anniversary of the creation of free economic zones in Tajikistan.
The event that was organized by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Tajikistan, the Executive Body of the Government of Sughd region and the Administration of Sughd FEZ has attended by more than 350 people of business, public and scientific circles. Free economic zones of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Russia have become active participants in the economic forum.
The event was opened with a welcoming speech of Chairman of Sugd region Mr. Rajabboy Ahmadzoda. He expressed confidence that today’s forum will give a new impetus to the process of strengthening friendly relations and strengthening cooperation with national and foreign investors. The Chairman informed participants about the socio-economic situation of the region by stressing that thanks to the wise and constructive policy of the Head of the State, the small and large industrial enterprises are being created and entrepreneurship is developing. Sughd region can rightly be called the “valley of opportunities”.
The official part of the forum was made by the Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Tajikistan Todjiddin Jurazoda, Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Regional Development under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Yokub Ismoilzoda, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Ukraine to the Republic of Tajikistan Viktor Nikityuk. The representatives of the OSCE and UNDP donor organizations also were given speeches who were the main partners of the forum.
The program of the forum included presentations of Tajik, Uzbek, Kazakh, Kyrgyz and Russian free economic zones. Thus, the representative of the special economic zone “Alabuga” told why such world brands as Ford, Rockwool, HAYAT, Kastamonu choose this zone. The management of the special economic zone Ontustik, which is one of the best SEZ in Kazakhstan, presented the conditions for investors and the success of its activities. Information on economic zones of Kyrgyzstan was presented by the General Director of the Naryn FEZ Ms. Gulzat Abdyrasulova.
The head of the Administration of Sughd FEZ Firdavs Olimzoda told about the history of the formation of the FEZ in Tajikistan and their future intends.
The forum participants heard an expert assessment of the further vision of the development of Tajik free economic zones. The multilateral analysis was carried out by the candidate of economic sciences Daler Mirpochoev.
Then, Dadoboev Narzullo – Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Association of “Kedr” among which three enterprises have the status of a subject of Sughd FEZ shared a chronicle of the formation of enterprises, a success story and plans for the future. Ilhom Sangin who is not only the head of Ravzana Plastic, but also the deputy chairman of the Small and Medium Business Association of Tajikistan, shared with the forum participants the peculiarities of the establishment of free economic zones in Tajikistan as an integral part of the mechanism that drives and develops the country’s economy and voiced the Association on their further development in order to improve and ensure greater investment attractiveness.
During the event, the guests visited Sughd FEZ, where they were acquainted with the activities of large enterprises, such as Tajprof, Archa and Archa Mebel. The participants of the forum, while communicating for the buffet in an informal setting, were able to lay the foundations for further negotiations on possible cooperation. Thus, between the Administration of Sughd FEZ and Ontustik SEZ a memorandum of cooperation was signed.
The forum ended with a solemn presentation of awards to individuals and organizations that have made a special contribution to the development of free zones in Tajikistan.