Relevant issues of further development of Sughd FEZ were discussed during the international trade fair
The analysis of efficiency and issues of further development of Tajikistan’s free economic zones were discussed within the framework of the International Trade Fair “Sughd-2018” held on July 6-7 in Khujand. This traditional fair, which is held for the fifth consecutive year is a modern platform for the development of international trade, increasing the export potential, attracting investments and establishing effective cooperation with the countries of near and far abroad.
Within the framework of the fair’s business program a panel session entitled “Free Economic Zone of Sughd: Topical Issues of Development” was held along with the other business forums and conferences. The session brought together specialists from different industries related to the themes of FEZ. The head of Administration of Sughd FEZ Firdavs Olimzoda opened the session. He focused his speech on the special role of free economic zones in the country’s economy, for which was given special attention by the President of Tajikistan Mr. Emomali Rahmon. “Everyone knows that in our country there are four free economic zones, and they are gradually developing. Where there is development, there is a problem. Proceeding from this, the speeches of the experts of the event will be devoted to explaining the essence of the FEZ, its role in the development of the social and economic sector of the state, the relationship with other government bodies, the discussion of existing barriers to development and mechanisms for overcoming them” – said Firdavs Olimzoda, urging participants to effectively and actively participate in discussions.
A video about the potential of the free economic zones of Tajikistan, created at the initiative of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan was shown to the audience.
Presentations were made by representatives of the Center for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the tax and customs departments in the Sughd region, academic circles, independent experts, specialists of Sughd FEZ Administration and its subjects.
The presentations touched upon topical issues on the further vision of the development of free zones. Expert-consultant – Farrukh Sultanov spoke about the application of the latest technologies as an opportunity to create a technical breakthrough in the FEZ. Daler Mirpochoev – a candidate of Economic Sciences, shared the Chinese experience in the development of FEZ in his report “Directions for improving the activity of Sughd FEZ: an analysis of international experience” and announced three stages of the best FEZ regime, favorable for attracting foreign investments.
Mirzoyon Mirzomanon – head of the Investment Promotion Department of the Administration, in his speech, presented his vision of further steps to improve the activities of Sughd free economic zone.
Representatives of successful companies operating in the territory of Sughd FEZ have shared their experience on enterprise creation and operation.
After having heard all the presentations, participants of the session have raised the topical issues; comments and visions for the future development of free economic zones in Tajikistan were given. At the end of the event, Firdavs Olimzoda thanked those present for their participation, noting that the proposals made in the session are very important for the future successful operation of the FEZ and, if appropriate, they will be included to the long-term plan of the Administration.